Category: Caribbean (Economy, Finance, Business)

IBM Leader Believes The Global Economy Will Be Dismal Without Artificial Intelligence

By: Economic & Finance Report IBM Chief Executive Arvind Krishna; believes A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) increases worker productivity. The global population is flat lined or in more cases declining, and Mr.…

Decision Science – The Science of Controlling You!

By: James Lyman Economic & Finance Report Do you ever wonder why the problems that plague us are never solved? Lots of talk and rhetoric from the professional politicians, about…

A Portent Of Our Economic Future?

By: James Lyman Economic & Finance Report Have you noticed how some products have been disappearing from the grocery store shelves? For the last several months there have been several…

Eleni – The Ultimate Story of Being Used

By: James Lyman Economic & Finance Report Last night, my wife and I watched the 1985 movie “Eleni”, based on the book by the same title, written by her son…

Silicon Valley Bank’s Failure Will Hemorrhage Venture Startup’s Finances Who Invested In The Bank

By: Economic & Finance Report The Silicon Valley Bank fallout is one of the many threatening ripple effects; that will succumb in the tech sector and financial industry this year.…