1) Boeing is testing a small self flying car, to compete in the budding autonomous air taxi market or electric Vertical Take Off and Landing (eVTOL) vehicles. Airbus and Google, plus several smaller companies are vying to pioneer the untapped market of electric flying machines carrying people.
2) Microsoft is expanding the number of different devices able to use their new software NewsGuard, software which can detect and root out fake news from the internet.
3) China has partially lifted its ban on Microsoft’s search engine Bing, allowing some access by its citizens. The ban is part of a very concerted effort by China to control their citizens criticism of the Chinese regime.
4) 24 JAN 19 Stock market closings:
Dow 24,553.24 down 22.38
Nasdaq 7,073.46 up 47.70
S&P 500 2,642.33 up 3.63
10 Year Yield: down at 2.71%
Oil: down at $53.11