Host Sammy BE (Businessman Bassey), along with his co host James Lymon interview rising Millennial Youtube sensation, The Brie Twins. Discussing their continued rise using the Youtube platform, and how Youtube and social media has helped them attain a fan base and growing following, as well as them excelling in their own respective careers.
Discussed in the interview, were topics on the internet, social media, Youtube and other platforms. Such was questions such as how can and may help millennials/gen z to progress in their media careers? but also the pros, cons, and stresses of social media; especially on trying to attain an expanding outreach and the difficulties in doing so…
This is definitely an episode you don’t want to miss, also remember to continue to #StayBlessed & #GodBless… Podcast episode below…
Website Platforms To Check Out:
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2)@Economic-FinanceReport (Podcast/Online Show)
3)…Nlb2VRfDCQ/videos (EFR.Tv Youtube Ch)
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5) (Financial Trading Website)