1) This next week, the markets promises to be positive because the big high-tech companies will be releasing their accounting statements with anticipation of healthy profits.
2) Germany announces it will close down all its coal fired power plants by 2038, which presently generates about 40% of Germany’s electrical power.
3) Facebook announced its plan to integrate it’s Whatsapp, Instagram and Messenger services so they can argue that the three are the same service, thereby avoiding anti-trust allegations and possible actions aimed at breaking up monopolies.
4) 25 JAN 19 Stock market closings:
Dow 24,737.20 up 183.96
Nasdaq 7,164.86 up 91.40
S&P 500 2,664.76 up 22.43
10 Year Yield: up at 2 .75%
Oil: down at $53.55